Sunday, 5 February 2017


Stargazer is a hybrid lily (between an Asiatic lily and an Oriental lily) developed by Leslie Woodruff, a devoted plant breeder. Each bloom opens up to the sky as if it watches the stars that Leslie named it stargazer.

This lovely flower is favorite of many florists as it has sturdy stems and stays longer after it is cut. It is also a favorite among gardeners all over the world, as it is very easy to grow. 

Florists and gardeners alike give honor to these flowers by attaching several meanings to it.
  • Stargazer symbolizes elegance and liveliness to a 30th wedding anniversary.
  • Stargazer when given to a friend who faces hard times means an encouragement to stay optimistic and look forward to financial success.
  • In weddings, white stargazer symbolizes purity and simplicity; and in funerals, it  symbolizes restored innocence.
  • Pink stargazers symbolizes romance, wealth, and prosperity.
  • White and pink stargazers when given together conveys gratitude or apologies.

Aside from its bold colors, stargazers have a fragrant smell that most people love, with an exception of those who are allergic to it.  It is important to take note, though, that its flower and leaves are toxic for pets and kids.

Whether given as a flower cutting or as a live plant, stargazer's message is to always look up to the heavens. Stay positive and watch as the world around you changes for the better. But of course, don't forget to do your part, do what is right - make restitution or amendment when necessary, and work very hard to achieve your dreams.

Sunday, 29 January 2017


Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen plant of the mint family native to the Mediterranean region.  It has needle-like dark green leaves with flowers that which could be white or pink, but mostly are blue.
It is a very popular spice and highly valued in the culinary world. However, do you know that this pleasing aromatic plant is associated with many legends and traditions?
  • It was said to awaken Sleeping Beauty.
  • Fairies take the form of snakes and and lie among rosemary bushes.
  • Greek mythology says it was draped all over Aphrodite when she rose from the sea.
  • Ancient Greek scholars would braid twigs of rosemary into their hair or make wreaths for their heads. They believed it will boost their memory and enable them to succeed in exams.
  • Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, had said to put rosemary sprigs to the manger where baby Jesus was laid to protect the baby from bugs.
  • Mary, the mother of Jesus, when they fled from Egypt had spread her cloak over a rosemary bush and as a result the flowers of the bush turned blue. (Since then the bush was named Rose of Mary.)
  • The bush will grow not taller than the height of Jesus, and will only live up to 33 years.
  • During the Middle ages, 
    • people brewed rosemary with vinegar and use the concoction to wash the feet of thieves, as they believed it would remove the thieves' inclination to steal or any criminal action.
    • it was believed to grow only in the garden of the righteous.
    • it was often entwined in a wreath and worn as a crown by the bride to represent fidelity, love, true friendship, and a remembrance of the life that the bride lived as a girl.
    • rosemary was believed to protect people from plague (no wonder if its price went up six times during England's Bubonic plague)
    • rosemary were planted in graves to remember the deceased

Well, there are many other legends regarding the plant, however, nowadays, the plant was known to have many benefits.

  • Rosemary leaves contain Vit. A, Vit.C, folic acid, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium - which are essential for the body's normal function. 
  • It also contains compounds with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-fungal, and anti-septic properties.
  • Rosemary's flower tops contain anti-oxidants and essential oils used in aromatherapy.
  • Rosemary essential oil can relieve anxiety, indigestion, headache, joint pain, cold and flu, and poor blood circulation. 
  • It can also promote hair growth and cure dandruff.
  • Tea or detox water made from rosemary leaves can help people loss weight (though not recommended for pregnant women or people with high blood pressure or people taking diuretics pills).
  • The aromatic smell of rosemary plants can ward off mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and bugs. AND EVEN cats, to prevent them from pestering your garden with their "craps" or scratching your favorite spots. Dried sprigs can also deter mice.

So, there, aside from flavoring your food, above are a lot of reason to grow rosemary in your garden or cultivate it indoors through pots.

Saturday, 21 January 2017


Lavender is a perennial herb with pinnate or simple leaves and flowers on shoots or spikes. It is widely cultivated as ornamental plant or for extraction of essential oil.

This simple aromatic plant has been used in many parts of the world for over 2,000 years.

  • Ancient Romans and Greeks used the flower in their public baths, to perfume themselves, and to treat ailments.
  • Ancient Egyptians used it to prepare bodies for mummification.
  • The famous king Solomon has used the herb to describe how adorable and lovable his lover is. (Songs of Solomon 4:13-14). 
  • Mary had used its perfume to anoint Jesus' feet
  • English royalties line their castles with its flowers 
  • TODAY, people uses its leaves and flowers in the kitchen to enliven and accentuate dishes and sweets, and its essential oil for aromatherapy and other therapeutic reasons .

Speaking of its essential oil, it benefits the human body in the following ways: 
  • reduces anxiety and emotional stress
  • relieves muscle tension
  • promotes sleep
  • restores skin complexion and slows aging
  • heals burns and wounds
  • prevents or reduces scarring
  • alleviates nausea or motion sickness
  • alleviates headaches
  • cures chapped skin, dandruff, eczema, and sunburned lips
In addition to the herb's soothing fragrance, healing properties, and multitude of uses, its flower possesses unique meanings. It symbolizes:
  • love, devotion, and purity
  • grace, elegance, and feminity
  • silence and luck
  • Yin-yang balance and tranquility

Well, even the classic writer, Mark Twain, has written about lavender.

DEFINITELY, lavender is one plant that should be in your garden or apartment. It can easily grow on soils or pots. It can tolerate a wide range of climate or drought, and requires minimal care.

I get three pots of lavender from the Plant Center of Quezon City Memorial Center. Cost vary from 35 to 500 pesos, depending on the growth and thickness of its shrub.