Saturday 21 January 2017


Lavender is a perennial herb with pinnate or simple leaves and flowers on shoots or spikes. It is widely cultivated as ornamental plant or for extraction of essential oil.

This simple aromatic plant has been used in many parts of the world for over 2,000 years.

  • Ancient Romans and Greeks used the flower in their public baths, to perfume themselves, and to treat ailments.
  • Ancient Egyptians used it to prepare bodies for mummification.
  • The famous king Solomon has used the herb to describe how adorable and lovable his lover is. (Songs of Solomon 4:13-14). 
  • Mary had used its perfume to anoint Jesus' feet
  • English royalties line their castles with its flowers 
  • TODAY, people uses its leaves and flowers in the kitchen to enliven and accentuate dishes and sweets, and its essential oil for aromatherapy and other therapeutic reasons .

Speaking of its essential oil, it benefits the human body in the following ways: 
  • reduces anxiety and emotional stress
  • relieves muscle tension
  • promotes sleep
  • restores skin complexion and slows aging
  • heals burns and wounds
  • prevents or reduces scarring
  • alleviates nausea or motion sickness
  • alleviates headaches
  • cures chapped skin, dandruff, eczema, and sunburned lips
In addition to the herb's soothing fragrance, healing properties, and multitude of uses, its flower possesses unique meanings. It symbolizes:
  • love, devotion, and purity
  • grace, elegance, and feminity
  • silence and luck
  • Yin-yang balance and tranquility

Well, even the classic writer, Mark Twain, has written about lavender.

DEFINITELY, lavender is one plant that should be in your garden or apartment. It can easily grow on soils or pots. It can tolerate a wide range of climate or drought, and requires minimal care.

I get three pots of lavender from the Plant Center of Quezon City Memorial Center. Cost vary from 35 to 500 pesos, depending on the growth and thickness of its shrub.

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